Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fight like a woman have courage like a girl.

Please don't smile when you're sad. Have a great cry, special toxicians are release through tears that aren't passed out of the body any other way. Brave women cry in public it shows that they always will be a kind, loving, little girl part inside them and that's a gift to the world only they can give.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How to meet women if you are 50 or Older

My father is single and in his 70's. He meets 2 - 9 new women every weekend at a country music dance. Stay well groomed, beard trimmer, clean everything- nails, nose hair, car, dress leather shoes, etc. Women pay a lot of attention to these things.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Why would a woman would put her guy friend down in front of a her guy friend?

It's her way of relieving stress. women have 4 brain centers = they talk with themselves in their own head- deeply emotionally. It's her way of feeling more comfortable since you aren't as interested in her as any other guy she's been around would be and still are around enjoying her, for her. not wanting something from her - sex, money - things she has experienced from other guys.     We as guys in general aren't emotionally involved like women, they must give constant attention to a baby for it to live... don't have testosterone, an emotional inhibitor. Think of her like all women as a little girl, in this regard. They all once were and in some ways always will be. Let your thoughts be gentle towards her. If she's damaged; talking like a guy - tell her or Eject.

     He does these things and she's exposed to that everyday.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

how to kiss her

 One woman’s thrill is another woman’s turn-off. Love is like that sometimes.

“We want to be kissed slowly, constantly, and passionately, all over... like you really mean it! We want to be kissed long, slow, deep and hard — all at once.”

Inch on over and make that move... slowly
“Never ask a woman if you can kiss her. If you really can’t read the signs, you are better off not even trying. What does work? Getting closer and closer without touching builds tension, and that leads to the ultimate lip-lock.”

Watch out for the nose!
“A deep, hot kiss for me means mouth on mouth, the perfect alignment of noses, and a hand inching up to hold the back of my neck.”
Elizabeth Lippman, photographer

Try a kissing bandit technique
“A kiss doesn’t have to be face-to-face to be breathtaking. When my husband and I first started dating, I was standing at a bar ordering a drink when he came up behind me, put his arms around my waist and kissed the side of my neck, right under my ear. It literally sent shivers down my spine. I remember thinking: ‘Wow! I hope this relationship lasts!’”

Always be a gentleman
“A man needs to have the right amount of confidence and gentleness to deliver a good kiss. Being over-confident is a big turn-off for me. I hate when a guy is so full of himself that he goes in for the kiss when you haven’t given him a single signal yet to do so. Yuck!”

Put your fingers in her hair
“I like to have my hair stroked while kissing or having him pull my head closer. Men taking control is a total turn-on.”

Don’t underestimate the power of eye contact
“I love it when a guy stops kissing me for a moment, places his hand on my face, and then just stares at me like he could devour me before going in for another kiss — that is just heaven.”

Pull off the perfect PDA
“An intense kiss when you’re not expecting it is so sexy. I was on a date with my now-husband and we were walking down the street, when out of nowhere, he pressed his body up against mine and began making out with me passionately. He didn’t care who walked by or if anyone screamed, ‘Get a room!’ That was a while ago, and I still think about it all the time.”

Deliver the sweetest series of smooches
“After a make-out session, end it with a hint of sweetness... like a tiny peck on each cheek, then the tip of the nose, and then the forehead. That mix of naughty and nice sends chills up my spine. Yum.”

16-commandments for dealing with women in a relationship   I. Never say ‘I Love You’ first

Women want to feel like they have to overcome obstacles to win a man’s heart. They crave the challenge of capturing the interest of a man who has other women competing for his attention, and eventually prevailing over his grudging reluctance to award his committed exclusivity. The man who gives his emotional world away too easily robs women of the satisfaction of earning his love. Though you may be in love with her, don’t say it before she has said it. Show compassionate restraint for her need to struggle toward yin fulfillment. Inspire her to take the leap for you, and she’ll return the favor a thousand fold.

II. Make her jealous

Flirt with other women in front of her. Do not dissuade other women from flirting with you. Women will never admit this but jealousy excites them. The thought of you turning on another woman will arouse her sexually. No girl wants a man that no other woman wants. The partner who harnesses the gale storm of jealousy controls the direction of the relationship.

III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority

  Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be “The One” or the center of a man’s existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man’s life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their feminine support, and to follow the path he lays out. You must respect a woman’s integrity and not lie to her that she is “your everything”. She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be anymore.

Monday, August 19, 2013

10 Things Your Girlfriend Needs To Hear You Mean Concerning Her

1. I’m going to be honest…                                                            2.

I love you 3.

I miss you 4.

Wow, you look so sexy 5.

You’re amazing at… 6.

How was your day? 7.

You’re pretty awesome in bed  8.

What's your opinion on... 9.

You’re going to make a great mother  10.

I love that (dress, bracelet, watch, shoes, earrings, makeup, fill in the blank)

The Conversation Cure PUA Course Review other than en10se at the end a total waste of time

you watch guys get drilled on talking to women, long, boring, not useful. Julian Fox wears what he is on his head- A Dildo! Julian Foxx trashed this product. I'll not watch him in anything ever again. Vin Di Carlo knows some stuff but allowed this product to be trashed. Other than en10se at the end, it was a total waste. Gunwitch method is older and explains conversation better than this junk course.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ultimate inner game Review DVD"S Hypnotica PUA

DVD 1. somewhat interesting   2. Limiting Beliefs - SKIP search Youtube. 3. Do AffOrmations not AffIrmations. search youtube 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Is she worth Talking to? It all depends on what she thinks of herself? or Did a bad guy break her?

If she does not show that she is happy to meet you like a little girl as you are her - she has low self esteem meaning she has had a bad experience with a guy in the past and now doesn't like being who she is. Reject - Let that remain her problem, not yours. Move on as soon as possible.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How can i increase sense of humor and kindenss?

Be around more people who exhibit those types of behaviors.  What do your friends say your humor is like? Do you go out of the way to do acts of kindness every day?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

How to Listen to a Woman

Listening is a sign of your respect for her that rocks her world. Women soften their emotions when speaking. The way to decode it is to - dial everything up  times 10 your guess Understanding of what women say and multiple their facial expressions and body language. Women invent passive - aggressive behavior at birth.   

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Getting Your Mentality Right to understand a woman

* It doesn't matter: what you have believed in the past, what you think you believe now, what you may think what others think of you. You are not your thoughts. Also, don't in your mind put hot women on pedestals. This is all much easier said that done to most of us, but it's true.
* Make solid, sustained, but playful eye contact with women in bars, on the street, etc. Few people do this -- even folks who have been in " the game " for a while. Do it, but keep it between you and your girl. No one else matters. Your eye contact should basically convey that you know that you will rock her sexually.
* When you do have sex with her, have her your way. Just screw her brains out. You should ensure she's having a good time, but you having an amazing, primal way with her is much more important.
 The principles are solid and basic.  I do believe that the principle of solid, confident eye contact is the key to building initial sexual attraction. There are heaps of details that go along with this in various situations, but eye contact is a universal language. You can go out and start practicing this now.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Seven Ways To Create An Emotional Attraction

 Many unsuspecting people are exposed to communication and seduction techniques that are clearly structured in the exact same way hypnotists use to put people to "sleep."
Too often when people speak to one another, all they're doing is downloading information onto each other. It is easy to talk to someone for hours and hours without entering into a genuine relationship with him or her. Worse, they're often doing it as "just the facts, Sir" - feeling pressured to find out what "we have in common before we waste more time". This tendency to simply exchange facts stops conversation rather than keeps it going.
A conversation is more than an information exchange; to converse, you have to make a conscious effort to connect human-to-human, individual to individual, man to woman. If you're looking for something deeper and more involved, these suggestions will improve you ability to really connect with the opposite sex:
1. Avoid offering solutions (including giving advice or sympathy) - When people open up to share their true emotions and desires they are not doing it because they want to be told what to do about a problem. Sometimes, it's best to just ask more questions, using their own experience and let them talk. Sometimes all people want is to be heard.
2. Acknowledge the other person's feelings, experience or comment before sharing a similar experience or making a contribution of your own. It's reassuring to the other person and creates a sense of solidarity or closeness.
3. Be involved, animated and excited - Avoid wearing one single look and using one monotonous voice to bore the other person into tears, all in the name of conversation. To be interesting and unpredictable, use facial expressions to create moods, vary your voice to create different characters etc.
4. Use suggestive spaces - Don't talk too much and at greater length leaving the other person feeling that he or she did not have the opportunity to speak. If you say something, it must be a prod for the other person to join in. The best use of suggestive spaces is in "call-and -response" conversation where you use humour, puzzles and phrases that draw in the other person to participate.
5. Tell stories that are deeply meaningful to you - Most people try to tell stories that are supposedly funny just to entertain the other person; this is good but not enough. Stories that are from your heart (funny or not) are more likely to create a heart-to-heart-connection. When you tell your story make it in the present tense. The present tense puts the listener inside the story. It implies that the story does not belong to you alone, but to you and the person listening--you are experiencing it together.
6. Engage in witty repartee - Use the surprise element or "shock" effect to create pleasurable anticipation (not uneasiness); use his or her own words or phrases, twist and turn them around, and pretend to misinterpret and misconstrue what he or she is saying - but make sure he or she knows you are just being playful and not hurtful.
7. Accept disruptions and encourage disagreement - Take more interest in understanding where he or she is coming from rather than trying to achieve agreement or to change his or her mind . People feel closer to you when they feel listened to and treated well.
By simply changing how you engage in conversation, you can dramatically change the chemistry. If you are looking for more ways to seduce a man or woman using conversation, visit my websites for intriguing and unconventional ways of seducing and creating deep and lasting attraction.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Erotic Mind Notes True Push Pull Motivator AntiM

How old were you when you first remember having any sexual fantasies or thoughts? What do you recall about them?   Motivational Map  Goals; to be attracted to someone available for a relationship  - to only love someone who loves me in return   - to develop other turn - on s besides longing   - Push Motivators  (why i need to change)  Pull Motivators (potential benefits and rewards) Anti - Motivators  ( fears / resistance to change)                                                                                                                             Examples Push M - feeling rejected fear of loneliness  depressed worthless unlovable  waiting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Pull M  - joy of intimacy / connection / commitment  - relaxing, no chasing/ worrying - have fun when i want to - sharing special events - one day getting married and having a family                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Anti M - belief someone I desire would want me - fear of no passion w/o longing - fear attractive women won't be attracted to me - afraid I'll be hurting my parents if i find Love.

The Purpose of Conversation is to

   provide opportunity for men and women to use non - verbal elements and generate attraction.  Stop being your own enemy.

Online Dating Notes for men

Move fast to meeting in person! books - show her herself,  My lover, myself.   Don't do what other guys (profiles) are doing! Set up a profile as a woman. Run test different profiles. If you don't click - drop her. Always Lead! Get attention from close near by women. Chat rooms / Forum interest groups online dating forum - reviews Update your profile daily. No neediness search - Neediness Management. You are what you do. Have unreasonably high standards - accuse them of lying in their profile / married to several men cocky/ funny  Discuss boundaries - avoidance of crazy chicks / fact that's attractive - women can be flaky  Charming / have a normal phone conversation  exaggerate everything / no boring or predictable = this equal Not Good.  "type faster!" / Extreme Negative opposites. Build Sexual Tension! 

Syn Estesia Emotional Anestisia Color and Feeling

May be you can try to remember the last time you felt happiness or pleasure. As you feel it now, where in your body are those feelings? And how good does it feel on a scale of one to ten? Now, as you focus on this feeling right here, you can begin to see a color flowing from that feeling, what is the color? Good, now, what it would be like if you were to allow all out of that "xx" color to fill with warmth and brightness. As you breath in allow the color to increase in size and intensity inside that spot. Now, how do you feel on a scale one to ten? Reduce that color to a tiny pea that contains all the power and intensity of that feeling. Put it on my hand. Now, feel how my hand becomes like a paint brush transferring the color to your hand, your wrist, and the surface of your face."

How to Remove Negativity to attract women

I am know removing all negativity from my life, thoughts, actions, words. I hold no negative believe or memory in my mind. These negative memories do not serve me. These limiting thoughts keep me from using my whole brain. Why am I removing these thoughts almost instantly now? How do I have less and less of them?  People are always saying, NOW - I'm a super guy. Everyone wants to give me money, be my friend. Women just instantly within seconds of seeing me, THEY want have sex! They're telling all their friends how wonderful it was to blow me and that I'm the best male porn star there ever was, but they have to be with me to find out just how good that PLEASURE really feels! because millions of women send their daughters to have their first sexual experience with me and themselves on their 18th birthday, everyday!

My new super power scent - Pheromones!! Affirmations / Afformations

I now command my mind to instruct my body to produce the ultimate, the best;scent from my body that a man can smell like to attract women to him. Women now say - I'd do anything to have you inside me. You smell so damn good, i want to lick your dirty asshole. I desire you to rub on me so I can smell you all day, until the next time I can cup your balls after I have gargled and swallowed your cum in my mouth.  I would keep your cum there for 20 minutes, but I swallowed it only so I could kiss you again and suck you off so you can pleasure myself again until, I explode into a bliss after my body can no longer quiver from the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced!  Why do I only find, eat foods that are the rare, raw ingredients to produce these "ultimate" pheromones?  How do I learn more about this everyday?  <a href=""><img

Move toward her - speed, fast, if she's what you want.

tip - "make your intentions known in the first 3 seconds with a woman - direct,confident, independent. Direct strong eye contact, closer than 3 feet to her , and touch her hand. then, limit your availability = always- following a passion - helping, hunting, traveling, mating ( being chased by other women.)

What Shoes and Pants attract women?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day Game is the real game. Focus on

 - ( great, this is going to be a fun chat with a new person like with your best friend) You 2 have fun while learning by sharing fun, positive experiences form your pasts/ shared now in the present.  I like to think sex (the most fun, positive experience) begins when she speaks; you simply keep the interaction (talking) going.  This is accomplished by fun, active listening. Practice. I say" hi. Is there a Starbucks or McDonalds around here?" She says something. Wait a few seconds. You say a statement about what she just said. Wait a few seconds. Then, say something funny about what she did (nose wiggles)or said. Wait to see if she is going to say anything else. Then make an additional statement or to if she says nothing; ask a question.      The pauses give you both time to think- your words to penetrate her mind and time to think of something else to say/ ask as well as, observe her body language.  By this time you can
go - emotional, instant date, reward with high five, or sexual, Get the contact info and meet your waiting friends.  She will agree = (sexually available) or disagree (in a relationship)/ wrongly believes your social value is not high enough to be around her family and friends or still to damaged from the last one to get into one now.

Man Transformation David De* Eben Pagan Review

Waste of a lot of time and money
double your dating, advanced dating t., and attraction isn't a choice had somethings worth learning, Eben goes downhill fast from there.

Monday, February 18, 2013

When the Passion Fades: Review

Not what i was expecting.

  How to Get You and Your Spouse Attracted to Each Other Again (Growing in Love for Life Series, (Kindle Edition)
i thought this would be about building sexual attraction like if your spouse was thinking about an affair or back from war and looked, acted different to the point that they were no longer attracted. "how to get your ex back. This a sales pitch communication intro for his other works. some things like - meetwomenperiod. blogspot .com/2013/01/why-sex-is-bad-even-bad-sex-is-still.html triggering attraction with words and touch.

Online Profile Creation Tips

1. Choose a clever name. Ask friends.   2. Keep it short. Write less than 12positive sentences. 3. Specific - Describe - what you love to read, travel too. 4. Write with positivity and humor. 5. Write up about yourself and negatively funny about the other person. 6. Be more creative, imaginative. 7. List broadly what you are looking for that can be very different / specific if it has to be. 8. Edit your photos.  1 in action, 1 - humor, 1 - face, 1 - body. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Review When the Passion Fades: How to Get

Not what i was expecting....,
This review is from: When the Passion Fades: How to Get You and Your Spouse Attracted to Each Other Again (Growing in Love for Life Series, Vol. 8) (Kindle Edition)
i thought this would be about building sexual attraction like if your spouse was thinking about an affair or back from war and looked, acted different to the point that they were no longer attracted. "how to get your ex back. This a sales pitch communication intro for his other works. some things like - triggering attraction with words and touch.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just Be Yourself is not "acting a movie scene"

then later talking from your real life, but great PUAs' act like someone they want to be until they become that person; the same as a Master Mind group in business.

Why the Sex is Bad - "Even bad sex is still pretty good", But

 it doesn't last. What do you call someone with extremely low self worth; A Rapist. Theirs' is so low; they will use force to take from another. Low Self Esteem - a Faker. They will have sex to get attention but, do not enjoy it; rape victims, angry unloved drunks. They will move, not make much of a sound, dry up quickly in more ways than one. Baseline average SE - prostitute, want repeat business. They will move, moan some,  stay wet until you come then be ready to leave, maybe a kiss good bye, smile, maybe see you again, typical guy behavior.  High SE - laugh, joke, loud, screamers, porn star and beyond, talkers, multiple - orgasms, never a need to fake them, squirters, the works, hours of making love. Examples- Leaders, stars, athletics. Generous, caring, loving women, that were loved as children.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Become Mr. Right David Deangelo Review PUA

I wonder if his first stuff was good... basically this program is similar to his others - 12 hours of guys talking about changing there lives. The message - women want a guy with passion to change the world within a direction- "how that guy wants to do it." Pick something and tell her. "The 60 year challenge" is a much better, cleaner, shorter course.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Twin Brothers Question Game

You're at a club and you meet twin brothers; they are absolutely identical, physically.

ONE of them has the best hands of any guy you've ever met. The other is an incredible dancer. Which one do you pick?
  Again, the two guys are identical. One makes you laugh more than anyone you've ever met. The other is the most incredible kisser you could ever in a lifetime encounter. Which one do you pick?

Same scenario: One guy has more money than Bill Gates. The other makes you feel like you are the most beautiful, desirable woman who ever lived. Which do you pick?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Three Tweaks To Attract Young Women

Your success with younger women is not dependent on how old
you are, or how large the gap is. The approach you use for a
woman your age will also work for someone younger with a few
minor tweaks.

It comes down to three things:

1. The image you present to the world.
2. The beliefs / self talk thoughts running around in your head,
  your mindset.
3. Your selection criteria ( how you select who you're going
  to approach)

Those are the same three things you'd focus on if there weren't
any age gap. Only the variables within each group change a

Women are women; the psychology of a woman doesn't change with
age. Only her focus does. 

1. Your Image

When I talk about your image, I don't mean the way you dress
(though that is an element of it). The image we're concerned
with is the one that she forms based on your external appearance,
your way of moving through the world, how you carry yourself,
what you say, how you interact with others, etc.

You want to be in total control of the kind of person she
thinks you are. Women don't just go for what's on the surface.

She's asking herself "what kind of person is he on the inside?"

The answer that you should have ready for her should be
something that overpowers any resistance to your age, looks,
height, weight, or anything else that is outside her normal

Women go for men who have what she wants.

That's really what it boils down to: Do you have what she

Sure, some of them want you to be Brad Pitt (who is over 40,
by the way. But, he's perceived as youthful because he's
presented that way). But, they'll gladly put aside good looks
and age if you have everything else she's been looking for.

With age comes many benefits. Experience, security,
understanding, and social status are all byproducts of
getting older.

If you want to attract younger women, forget about the age
difference and focus on the benefits that come from being
older. But your actions must speak louder than words.

You can't just talk about being more experienced and mature
than men her age. It has to be seen to be believed.

If you have to tell her, then you're not doing it right.

You have to start asking yourself, "What are the qualities
that make me attractive, despite my age?" And, honestly, if
I were you, I'd even drop that last part about your age.

Just ask yourself, why would anyone, regardless of how old
she is, want to be dating you?

I can promise you this: if you have attractive qualities
that make you desirable to women in general, then you
definitely have qualities that younger women will also find

While the mindset of a woman does change as she gets older,
they're all still attracted to the fundamentals. Demonstrate
to everyone around you that you're the man they either want
to be, or the man they want to be with.

Up to a certain point, you want to present yourself as
youthfully masculine. Don't get an earring and dye your
hair blond. Just take care of your body; eat right and

Display healthiness, and you'll be associated with youthfulness.
Wear clothes that look good, and make you seem like you've
opened up a copy of G Q Magazine in the past year.

You should be doing that no matter how old you are, but if
you want to seem especially younger, you shouldn't be the
kind of guy who looks like he needs to relax at home after
a hard day of work.

Engage in strenuous physical activity. Hit the gym, go hiking
or ride a bike. Take dance classes. If you don't feel old,
you won't look old. Besides, younger women don't go for the
stay-at-home types. They're more likely to go for you if
you're bursting with energy.             

If you're clean - shaving or have a beard or a mustache, try
trading it in for the "haven't shaved in two days" stubble.

Studies have shown that women find this look attractive.

Again, it connotes a young, yet maturing appearance. It also
demonstrates a little rebelliousness, especially in older men.

Remember, it's all in service to the image she'll make up
in her head. In there, you need to seem youthful, energetic,
strong, experience, able to take care of her and satisfy
her. If you can conjure and cultivate the portrait of a
capable man, the age difference will have little meaning.

2. Your Mindset

What you project as your image has its roots in what you're
thinking right now. Who do you believe yourself to be?
What do you feel are the boundaries of your capabilities?

Let me ask you this: right now, do you feel like you can
easily pick up a desirable 25 year old? Do you feel that
you're at a disadvantage because of your age?           

Over the years, I've heard every excuse in the book, and I
can tell you that there are almost as many 25 year old
guys who don't think they can get a 25 year old girl, as
there are 45 year old who think the same way.

It's not your age; it's your beliefs about your age that
hold you back. As I pointed out earlier, getting older has
its benefits.

But what if you were to truly believe that your age isn't
something to hide? What if you were proud of how old you

Remember: It's not your age that's the issue; it's HERS
that might be the issue.               

What if she's too inexperienced and too naive?

You're the right age, but she has to prove to you that
she's wise beyond her years. Or, at the very least, willing
to learn from you.

For some guys, believing this will take some work. Changing
beliefs isn't the easiest thing in the world, especially
if there are a whole bunch of other beliefs tangled up in

With patience and determination, however, you can start
to believe that you have an advantage over younger men.             

If you believe in yourself, possibilities open up.

The major factor here is confidence and self-assurance.
I mean this in several ways. Not only does it mean that
you've got self-esteem and believe in your own self-worth,
but you're also fearless and will go after whatever it
is that you want.

That means you don't think twice about approaching a 20 or
30-something woman. Project the sense that a man of your
stature and confidence has gotten with younger women
before; this should look easy.             

You must exude the feeling that you've done this before,
and being with a younger woman is nothing out of the
ordinary. If you can truly grasp that and make it part of
your belief system, then you will project it to her.

It will make it that much easier for her to forget about
the age difference.

Being with a younger woman has to seem par for the course,
but you still want her to feel special. You're not going
after her because you need a younger woman. 

You're interested in her because she seems interesting as
a person. You just don't want her to feel that her age is
a big deal to you.

This kind of confidence comes from experience. It comes
from making a concerted effort to be comfortable in that
kind of situation.

If you're comfortable with women around your age, start
frequenting places with a slightly younger age bracket (
coffee shops), and start interacting slightly outside of
your comfort zone.

Work your way slowly, over the course of a few months, to
the age group you want.             

If you're 40, don't jump into a 20 year old 's world without
experiencing some 30 year old and mid-late 20s women first.

Your mind and nervous system prefers gradual change, and

it's best to approach it that way if you want to acquire a
new set of permanent beliefs. 

3. Your Selection Criteria

I have a 55 year old friend of mine who lives in India.
Every Monday, he goes to an American karaoke bar and sings
a few tunes

After his first number, he buys a handful of people around
him a round of drinks. Over the course of a few weeks from
when he started, he's become the guy that everybody knows.

Even in India, a place far more conservative than our United
States (and the rest of the western world), he's been able
to pick up several women under thirty at that bar.

That's because he embodies confidence and makes his
presence felt. As a result, he has social status. At that bar,
he's near the top of the pecking order.             

It's a mindset that he has cultivated, and one that is
accurately sent out as his image. The two cannot be

No matter who you select, she's looking for some type of
demonstration of the pecking order. You're expected to be
at the top because you're older. Those at the top take
care of the ones underneath him.

Don't mistake this to mean you pay for everything.

Just a demonstration is all that's required. It shouldn't
look like a demonstration, either.

My friend has found a place that, for him, works well.
He's able to demonstrate his authority and youthfulness
among all age groups.

You'll benefit in finding the same.

Some bars, coffee shops, and even something like night
classes, would have a varied age group.

Of course, it isn't necessary to go "somewhere."

If you're confident in yourself, you'll be able find
women anywhere. But, for the sake of practice, it's a
good idea to find place where you can become a regular
and befriend a few people (yes, even men) younger than
you are.

One more thing to consider is that there are some women
who are more likely to disregard the age gap than others.

In my experience, the more intelligent the woman, the more
likely mature the man she dates. It's not an unalterable
rule, obviously, but it's a good starting point to find
receptive girls. Also, the more "alternative" she is
(in the way she dresses and what she believes in), the
more likely she'll overlook the age difference.

Ask yourself, "Why am I seeking out a younger woman?" I
know, the real answer is because you and I both want a
smoking hot chick in our beds so we can say, "I've still
got it."

What are you looking for?

Come up with some good answers that ring true for you,
and seek those types of women out. If you have a clearer
goal, it's easier to attain.

Why Women Love Edward From Twilight He Always Being

being confidently aggressive.

2 Products for Dating and Seduction by Furious PUA

these 2 are the ones that i was referring
-advance dating techniques by David de angelo
-mystery-project Hollywood formula

if you want to watch how do pickup women then get this real time live pickup art video series.

  1. Mehow - Get the Girl! Infield Exposed! DVD (over  8.5 hours of live infield pickup videos and explanation)
  2. Mehow - Get the Girl! Infield Insider! (Jan 2008) DVD  (over  3 hours of live infield pickup videos and explanation)
  advance dating techniques is the  real deal. exactly after watching that get mystery's project Hollywood formula

this is the routines and techniques and some advance stuffs. these 2 programs are a must have product for dating and seduction. 2 programs I mentioned is way different than that you have ever encountered. trust me tomorrow will be 

 history (HIS STORY) , and tomorrow to be your story.

Why Women Love Edward From Twilight Does No Mean NO?

The rule of thumb is that no means no. There are many pickup artists and other guys that will say otherwise. It's true that sometimes a woman will flirtatiously say "no" when she does like you, but it's not as common as guys like to think. Most of these pickup artists are concerned with turning a genuine "no" into a yes, and this is not the goal of a man with confidence and integrity because he knows that he can find a genuine yes elsewhere. 

In other words, you don't need to worry too much about subtle body language cues because if a woman really isn't interested, she will eventually say NO to you in a very obvious way. Take that no at face value and you will be fine.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pleasing. Not A Good Nice Guy

Be “pleasing” this shows you are equal of above her thoughts. Women don’t want to be Dominated but, they are use to it. A healthy woman is a grown up little girl and are use to that frame. You want to treat them at least as well as what they are use to.