Sunday, December 30, 2012

Top 10 PUA Inner Game Secrets

10. The biggest difference between PUA Guru's and newbie's is that Guru's aren't afraid of failure. You guys don't get it. Guru's fail, that's right FAIL, sometimes as much as you do. Trust me, I've seen it. Don't get me wrong, they're amazing and everything, but this is still the biggest difference I've noticed. So how can they go home with a girl every night? Because they don't give a fuck. They learn from it if they can and they move on. Any guru who says he doesn't fail with women is LYING TO YOU. I know, I've seen it. You will never be 100% with women. It won't happen! This is NOT A SCIENCE!! If it was, it would be called Pick up Science, but it's not. It's Called the Pick Up Arts. Because of that, there are elements in every interaction that cannot be accounted for. Learn from your mistakes and MOVE ON. The say the tiger fails 19 times hunting on average before he makes a kill. Can you believe that? A fucking TIGER! So unless you've failed 20 times in a row, you have no room to bitch.
9.Make her lit Cigarette Disappear
When I first came into the community, I made the mistake of trying to master a handful of gimmicks, magic being one of them. Even though now I think magic is too try hard, there are a could of illusions that I do use pretty consistently. Making a lit cigarette disappear is one of them. Learn how to do it. I can't teach you how to do it here (last time I did, Mystery himself replied to Form handle asking for my post to be taken down as it violates "magic code.") The illusion is very, very easy to learn. It just takes a little research. Anyone who is dead set on learning it and can't find anything may contact me for further advice.

8. Opener's are all body language», not what's being said. I could write a whole thesis on this statement, but just trust me. Stop looking for the best opener. In the beginning, just find three that you're comfortable using (BTW one of these should be 'hi') and use them. Stop filling up your notebook with endless amounts of openers like I did.
7. Enjoy AMOGing and Learn To Do It Well!
It takes a real man to diffuse a fight effectively and charmingly. And the better you get at this shit, the more fights your bound to have presented in front of you. See, as you get more alpha, you will become threatening to all those gorilla AFC douche bags out there who don't know how to handle their emotions or alcohol. Memorize a few, not a ton. They don't have to be poetic. Just enough so that you can deal with guys, and not just girls.
MY DEFAULT AMOG: "Well you know I'm always trying to impress you 'X' guys." (x= something unique about them. Are the bald, are they wearing a hat. Is their shirt red. are they bikers) This isn't the funniest amog, but it does the trick and it's easy to learn
MY FAVORITE AMOG: when a guy is trying to fight you in front of a large group of girls. "Dude, relax. Just chill out. These girls are totally into you. Just be yourself. Just be...real."
6. You don't have to be a sexual NLP guru, just read David Shade's Manual. It teaches two invaluable techniques to get a woman off that she probably hasn't experienced before. One of the two almost always work. It's a worthy purchase.

5. It's Really Hard to be Ugly.
This subject has been beaten to death, but some guys never really seem to buy into the idea. See, it's really hard for any guy to be ugly these days. It actually takes a lot of work. You have to not go to the gym, not whiten your teeth, not clear up your skin, not get a sense of style, and not get a haircut that costs more than 20 bucks. Any guy who DOES do those five things will be attractive, I promise. Do some research, get a chick to help you, save up for a personal trainer. Figure it out.
4. Day Game Is SO Easy. You don't need anything clever guys. It's WAY easier than night game. Just think of what you would normally ask about in a given location, were you there legitimately and ask ANY girl that question, even if she doesn't work there. In a store, ask ANYONE what would be a good gift for your little sister. In the grocery store, ask where the cherrios are. Once you realize that 90% of day game is just opening the conversation up, you're going to be so happy with your sex life.
3. The Opener, "Did You Guys See That Chick Fight Outside?" Is Still The Best Mixed Set Opener Ever.
This is still the best opener to use when your target is with guys. I don't care how many TV shows it's been used on, it works like a charm still.
2. The Question Game is the Easiest, Most Fun Way To Elicit Comfort/Strike Up a Convo on Day 2/ during comfort after isolation.
The rules: a) both parties have to be honest. b)no questions can be repeated c)if you two end up hating each other later on, none of this can be used as ammo d) you can only play the game this one time only.
Basically you two just begin firing questions back and forth. Simple. Fun. Goes well with alcohol.
1. Stop Qualifying Yourself, Start Qualifying Her.
I see guys neg, use c&f, do magic, and run DHV routines WAY TOO MUCH. Just stop. Wanna know something funny? Once you become confident enough, you will begin the interaction with attraction already! Your first step, therefore, should be to qualify the girl. That is, find out something cool about her and give her props for it. Let her know that you, a very attractive guy, approve of HER. Too often guys try to build attraction for way too long. So, if you feel up to it, next time try going into a set just to find out something cool about your target...and congratulate her on it. "Oh my God, you love Brittany Spears and want to be a singer? That's so cool!" [turn heart towards hers so as to reward her with an IOI...consider doing takeaway.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

PUA Game DO NOT READ ANYTHING ON Approach Anxiety !!

DO NOT READ ANYTHING ON Approach An!! or you WILL develop it!!!! This pisses me off! Mystery (Eric) hates women!!!!! Watch Speed Seduction vids on youtube ONLY for AA (Don't buy any SS (RJ's courses) - Or  A.A. will make you need to go to AA.    Real World Seduction 2.0 - $10 will help the most with this.

Pick Up from - Could We Enjoy a Conversation to Anything More

You asked what i want to improve... mostly mindset / confidence, but i want to improve my whole game. i'm an introverted person, so engaging for long periods of time is difficult. that's why i wanted the routine books to get a road map. and sometimes i get lost what to say in a text, so i wanted the phone and text game too to browse and get ideas...
Do you have "the complete game seduction system" by sixty. i've read it has the best material on appoach anxiety...
I know I can help with. What's yr best and worst exp with a woman? Inner game is the "real game" send me pics of how you dress. post AffOrmations in your bathroom. What's the longest you've "engaged"? why? how? see my vids on youtube b29349 Most viewed. imagine the woman you are talking to is 6 yrs old - tell her funny stories from yr childhood. try to think of a story - one sentence for each letter of the alphabet and write it down. create a pocket - note sheet of fun routines ( happy triggers for yourself). I have 2 excellent bks for $5 each - unfair A. and thank you notes dating you can pick and choose from, not 2  Routine manuals for $20 each. Look through and pick what's fun for you. Road maps are slow and boring, you need a convertible to enjoy and fill the changes in this Life changing ride.  what's yr day like? i don't do text so i can't help with that, but i do have this book -  60 Years. Awesome! My 3rd favorite guide - $20.  search or ask this on - is there a site that lists a woman's text log that she enjoyed?      DO NOT READ ANYTHING ON Approach An!! or you will develop it!!!! This pisses me off! Mystery hates women!!!!! watch Speed Seduction vids on youtube on this - OR  A.A. will make you need to go to AA. ONLY.   Real World Seduction 2.0 - $10 will help you with this.  I'll do what i can to get you into the person to get these things you want as fast as I can. Some changes are instant, but changing your personality takes practice to program your subconscious.  look at my blogs -                                   on   Is your posture straight? How's eye contact? Women love sex, are visual like guys, but look at different things. They see colors differently, brains, thoughts are different.  To get them thinking sexually- We have to find ones that want to and then ( go first) to get them in a sexual mood.  So, this is a start. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Most Powerful People In The World Don't

need to defend or protect themselves so have Open Body language with your palms out, head high, big chested.

Playing Hard to get works because it's

building familiarity because the thoughts are being answered when the "love source" is not physically present. The gaps are being filled. The Brain works to answer questions through pictures.

For a guy to feel like he's "in love" he needs to

know he is wanted and respected.  Any none negative emotion he thinks that are associated with his "love source" is sufficient.

For a Women to "feel" she's in Love... She needs

to constantly be thinking about the guy. Any strong emotion is better than none at all.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Attraction with Mode 1

let women know in the very first conversation what it is they want from women, and why they REALLY want to share their company

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Womens Emotional Rules of Dating

Maintain Your Independence - I'm independent. If is clingy or needy, I get afraid of hurting him- and I can't deal with the discomfort.    Give and You'll Receive - I have to have a guy that understands give and take - I can't be the only one giving.  Be Confident - Attitude is what gives a guy the Edge. Think everyone wants sex me" that's what will come across. Those guys SCREAM SEX.  Don't Be Jealous - it will only drive her away.  Be Authentic - Be Fun, Casual. Don't fake caring gestures.   Never argue with a woman.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thoughts and Clothing Tips

you are desirable. Smile Big! Alot!! Touch her. Don't Break Eye Contact! Make fun of everything. Do not kiss her ass. She is not your equal, at first. Don't fall into a routine.  Use "I" statements. Provide value, intelligence, entertainment. Banter/connection. Where bright colors. Wear what makes you FEEL realxed. Gloves! Provide value to the girl.

Fun Phrases About Her

Where's her off button?   wow, she poops words.  It would never workout between us. I'm totally not boyfriend material. Hey. That guy over there looks perfect for you.

What's Some Funny Things I Can Say About

what she is doing, thinking, wearing, saying?

Pause and Eye Contact = Sexual Tension

1. Showing through face movements = you want her 2. Decrease, slow down speech. 3. Move closed lips think I could kiss you right now. 4. Don't Break Eye Contact!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Make Someone fall in love with you

1. Notice the color of people's eyes when you meet them.  2. look the person in the eye and smile when you meet do the "unforgettable hand shake". 3. Have open body language. 4. Mention 3 positive things she has to agree with, adding a slight "yes" head nod. 5. Selfishness is the opposite of love. 6. Improve your sense of humor. 7. Talk about similar positive tastes - movies, books, etc. 8. Strong family values and a great smile.  Even needed- Refocus on something positive.  Wear a tailored jacket. What do you want your appearance to communicate ?  Does she feel safe here? Trust you?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Frequency, Book Review Notes

Search for different ways to find truer answers.  Why do I allow others to feel, think, and act as they do? They don't need to sacrifice their authenticity for me. My sensitivity improves.   Why do I make good decisions?  Why is my creative and innovative abilities higher than any before me? You cooperate easily and draw the best out of others. You have a deep insight into others' motivations and sources of pain and what they need in order to grow and heal. Offer others experiences and understanding.  I dissolve feelings of separation and isolation.  The other side of fear is freedom.  If I CREATE FROM THE HEART - EVERYTHING WORKS.  - keep your child like faith and imagination active b/c this is how you'll recognize  - WHAT WANTS TO BECOME REAL.  Why do i feel like the only one on this journey of life?  We do not attract what we want, but what we are.  Create new patterns to replace old ones.  I stay with problems longer. Love what could be. Make the commitment to bring it forth.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

How is Moscow Better Than Any City in The US?

Putin protects women in Russia during and after childhood. Obama is creating conditions for women to be abused.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Physical Confidence Review Lance Mason DVD Dating program

 The first 5 DVDs 9 + hours is explained in 20 minutes on double your dating - Body Language. The dropping the jaw is new and helpful. Lance has the problem of almost all coaches- they limit what they teach in non-sells products to the point when they teach through a sales product - they over-instruct w/ our ADD society this is a major problem. The black curtain was bland and I felt sorry for the students. Their dress, hair, hands, skin, etc. all need help. Even out of the instructors; Lance was the only one somewhat well dressed, which, was an issue because his fashion product is much better. Overall, I'd say pass on this and watch anything David D, instead, but which is also EXTREMELY long. There are nuggets here, but Lance doesn't state which state of mind to be in to have the proper body language; mentions nothing about exercises and everything could be covered, like Ross Jefferies, in less than a 20th of the time that is spent.