Friday, April 19, 2013

How to Listen to a Woman

Listening is a sign of your respect for her that rocks her world. Women soften their emotions when speaking. The way to decode it is to - dial everything up  times 10 your guess Understanding of what women say and multiple their facial expressions and body language. Women invent passive - aggressive behavior at birth.   

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Getting Your Mentality Right to understand a woman

* It doesn't matter: what you have believed in the past, what you think you believe now, what you may think what others think of you. You are not your thoughts. Also, don't in your mind put hot women on pedestals. This is all much easier said that done to most of us, but it's true.
* Make solid, sustained, but playful eye contact with women in bars, on the street, etc. Few people do this -- even folks who have been in " the game " for a while. Do it, but keep it between you and your girl. No one else matters. Your eye contact should basically convey that you know that you will rock her sexually.
* When you do have sex with her, have her your way. Just screw her brains out. You should ensure she's having a good time, but you having an amazing, primal way with her is much more important.
 The principles are solid and basic.  I do believe that the principle of solid, confident eye contact is the key to building initial sexual attraction. There are heaps of details that go along with this in various situations, but eye contact is a universal language. You can go out and start practicing this now.